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Taking place right after "A Susie X Kris Comic", Susie throws Kris out the window to avoid being seen by Toriel. Unable to go anywhere nude, Kris and Susie make out again in the bushes until the coast is clear to get back inside.

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Doc c'mon man
DOC, c'mon, man!
Dr.Ludwig is out right now i can help whats the issue
Pink jello.
Every single comic I nut to I find you commenting on it what is your xbox gamertag or snap I feel like we're bound to talk
bro is on a quest
fuck you
Gawd Dayum Susie is lusty and busty
How and where do i find the netherite smithing template?? Does it needs to be in a specific bastion?
Just unlucky ig.
Misspelled Kris on page 3, literally unreadable.
Kiflom my brother
Kiflom too bro
Nahhh why does the cock look like a leg is sticking out of her pussy on page 24
You guys know this is part two right? Part one is "A Susie x Kris comic"
I wish a comic would give me a chance to shout out the Terraria Calamity OST. It's so good I would even say it's great or even amazing.
suzie's skin texture looks like if you try to grab at it your hand will slip right off like holy shit that looks slippery as hell
Looks like shiny plastic or a cloudy jello
Her ass would probably jiggle around like actual jelly.
dayum, that could be hella good
dang her pussy sure did slurp up all that cum, in 7 pages it went from overflowing to empty
Either kris has a tiny dick or susie has a very large bumhole
Definitely the second option, have you seen how tall Suzie is compared to Kris?
His dick just moves through cloth somehow on page 15.
It under the wet tank top you know all that fucking is gonna make you sweaty asf