User descriptions:
Taking place right after "A Susie X Kris Comic", Susie throws Kris out the window to avoid being seen by Toriel. Unable to go anywhere nude, Kris and Susie make out again in the bushes until the coast is clear to get back inside.

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Ligma balls
good art, okay comic
So hot
Good art but she looks like jelly.
Jiggle physics
shes made out of jelly lol
Why is susie wearing a plastic bag for a shirt
tank top is soaked in sweat making it see-through
Probably a tanmark, bras and tank tops leave lighter patches of skin where they were worn if worn in the sun over time
Nah it's definitely a tank top
Weird to see a sequel to this comic. I want to like the art style, but it's just way too much. Also, personal pet peeve, but Susie is a lesbian
Not confirmed AND Kris is Nonbinary
techincally that hasn't been proved yet
its highly probable, but only noelle has been proved to be lesbian.
i do agree with you though.
you know what else is tight? the rope they're gonna hang me on.
I fucking love these comments bruh
and i fucking love you <3
and i love fucking you <3
And I love you fucking
Only one person buddy which one you love?
i fucking love reading comments on this site its like fucking reddit comment sections
how do you know what fucking a comment section is like
Don't ask questions you don't want answers to
better than Small, Tight Spaces already.
Cap thats fr one of the best comic
yes .̉̊̊̓̓̊̉̉̓̓̉̓̓̊̊̓̊̉̊̓̓̊̓̊̊̓̓̊̉̓̓̊̓̓̓̓̊̉̉̉̊̉̉̉̓̓̓̊̊̉̓̓̉̉̓̓̊̉̊̊̓̉̓̉̓̊̓̊̓̓̓̊̉̊̓̊̊̉̓̉̊̊̉̊̉̊̉̊̉̓̉̉̉̓̉̊̊̓̉̉̓̉̓̓̊̉̉̊̊̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊̓̊̉̓̓̉̉̓̉̊̉̓̓̊̊̊̊̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊̓̓̊̓̊̓̓̊̊̓̓̊̓̉̊̉̉̊̉̉̓̊̊̊̓̉̉̉̓̉̓̊̓̊̉̉̊̊̊̊̉̊̊̓̊̉̓̓̊̓̊̓̓̊̓̊̉̓̓̓̓̊̓̊̊̉̉̉̊̓̊̊̉̊̉̉̓̊̉̊̓̊̊̓̓̉̊̓̓̊̉̓̉̊̉̊̉̊̓̓̊̉̓̓̉̓̓̉̉̊̓̊̊̉̓̓̓̓̉̓̉̊̊̓̊̉̓̉̊̓̓̊̓̓̊̓̓̓̉̉̓̓̉̊̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̓̉̓̓̉̉̉̉̊̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̓̉̉̉̉̓̊̊̓̉̊̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̊̉̊̊̓̊̉̊̉̊̊̉̓̊̓̓̉̉̉̊̉̉̉̉̓̊̓̓̊̓̉̓̓̊̉̊̉̉̉̓̓̓̉̓̉̓̉̓̊̓̉̉̓̊̓̊̊̓̉̉̉̉̉̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̓̓̉̊̓̓̉̉̓̊̊̉̓̓̓̓̊̓̓̉̓̉̉̉̊̊̓̓̊̓̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̉̉̊̊̉̊̓̉̊̓̉̉̓̉̉̊̓̊̓̊̊̉̓̉̉̓̓̊̓̉̉̓̓̉̊̉̉̊̊̓̉̊̉̓̊̉̊̊̉̉̓̓̊̉̉̊̉̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊
bro get yo long ass text string outa here, its blocking the comic
No Bitches?