Gotta say i was pleasantly suprised that there was a part three. Great stuff, love the art. Not a lot of artists can make something look so genuinely squishy and stretchy. I was a little scared it would turn into a romance with nick's microdick and all, but the author did not disappoint!
I hate this fucking comic. It's so deranged...but here I am coming back here again and again. I stumbled upon it a few months ago and still think about it sometimes
This reminds me of the Southpark episode butters bottom bitch where the cop( Male) is a prostitute. Shi is so funny honestly I read the comic in butters voice.
we are going to hell, all of us, fucking hell how did you stumble down this rabbit hole of porn, where are you ,in bed, bathrroom, livingroom? well you and me are fucked, going to hell if it even exist, but sadly i dont belive in space wizards(god would count as a space wizard) so you and me are fucked.
Life is short. Not worth this shit. I do this as much as the next person if not more. And I know I'm not the first to say this hell I'm probably the billionth on this site. Get a life, get a job, and if you can get a family. Try taking a dopamine cleanse, refrain from this shit for just one month and see how you really feel. I'm not sure how much longer I will live but I know that when I die "space wizard" or not I'm going somewhere bad. Have a good rest of your day and for the love of everything and In the words of Michael Jordan "Stop, get some help."
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Gotta say i was pleasantly suprised that there was a part three. Great stuff, love the art. Not a lot of artists can make something look so genuinely squishy and stretchy. I was a little scared it would turn into a romance with nick's microdick and all, but the author did not disappoint!
the comment sections are the only reason i still have a semblance of sanity.
I hate this fucking comic. It's so deranged...but here I am coming back here again and again. I stumbled upon it a few months ago and still think about it sometimes
I had already busted a nut on another comic, I'm glad that helped me restrain myself, I would've been hit by a truckload of post nut clarity.
Man why is Nick such a messed up asshole i n this one?
You missed the plot, that's not the real nick
Wow that was fucked up man, best nut of the year
The KGB will find Nick Wilde and that shithole, and we'll put Kokainum on his backbone.
This reminds me of the Southpark episode butters bottom bitch where the cop( Male) is a prostitute. Shi is so funny honestly I read the comic in butters voice.
"Bitch you were made for the playground bitch, you should be making sum motherfucking money , do you know what I am saying"
Holly shit i didn't expect this fucked up plot was hot as fuck but still being fucked up if you really think about it
we are going to hell, all of us, fucking hell how did you stumble down this rabbit hole of porn, where are you ,in bed, bathrroom, livingroom? well you and me are fucked, going to hell if it even exist, but sadly i dont belive in space wizards(god would count as a space wizard) so you and me are fucked.
She had a gyat tho
Life is short. Not worth this shit. I do this as much as the next person if not more. And I know I'm not the first to say this hell I'm probably the billionth on this site. Get a life, get a job, and if you can get a family. Try taking a dopamine cleanse, refrain from this shit for just one month and see how you really feel. I'm not sure how much longer I will live but I know that when I die "space wizard" or not I'm going somewhere bad. Have a good rest of your day and for the love of everything and In the words of Michael Jordan "Stop, get some help."
Post nut clarity Hit like a divorce
What's all of you peoples favourite sultry summer cos mine is 1
I like the one where it ends
Post nut clarity hit like 2 planets crashing into eachother on this one
Can confirm
My sick hurts
Rape with extra steps
Imagine how that shit will feel when the plug comes out
Nick's cock can shapeshift
Holy shit is the only thing you can say to this