8 Seasons down. 1 final season left.... sigh... Man. It has been one hell of a trip watching this show. And already... On the final season. you know. I never get that teary eyed over shows. But this probably has been like the 3rd time I've cried over a show. (Or second dunno) But. Well man I think before going to season 9. I'll do a mega spree of every season to commemorate finally being done with this. Once and for all.
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That guy got cucked
Good to know you got good taste, if you got any uh dogs I'll gladly take em off your hands
That he did, that he did
I came to find gold But Found OIL!
8 Seasons down. 1 final season left.... sigh... Man. It has been one hell of a trip watching this show. And already... On the final season. you know. I never get that teary eyed over shows. But this probably has been like the 3rd time I've cried over a show. (Or second dunno) But. Well man I think before going to season 9. I'll do a mega spree of every season to commemorate finally being done with this. Once and for all.
I mean, bro if your enjoying it thats all that matters
MyLittlepony is actually fuckin terrible
Tell me you actually watched it to give an accurate opinion on it.
Although its ok to like other things othe people dont like
I have to agree that mlp is just dogshit in a flameing bag
8/10 best music to jam out while performing open heart surgery on a 76 year old man
No need to thank me
this is the kind of quality content that I want
Indeed certified bop