The whole universe was in a hot, dense state. Then nearly 14 million years ago expansion started, wait. The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool. Neanderthals developed tools. We built a wall, we built the pyramids. Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries. That all started with the big bang, bang.
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'lesbians" one of the greatest jokes of this reality.

Lesbians aren't real they can't hurt you
This is some high effort trolling, I applaude them.
This is Speaktacular
this current story is very heart warming
This comic is easily funny, but there isn't a lot of sex.
I hate lesbians (please fall for ragebait)
Assuming you are a straight man, wouldn't that make YOU a lesbian?
The sacred text has been shouted aloud!1!
Surprise ball inspection! Whip em out
300 pages?, i need a summary
They're lesbians
The whole universe was in a hot, dense state. Then nearly 14 million years ago expansion started, wait. The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool. Neanderthals developed tools. We built a wall, we built the pyramids. Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries. That all started with the big bang, bang.
Make sure to catch The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Monday nights on NBC
Damn, this person's art is pretty good. They should try drawing porn
what a nice old lady
This shi fuckin mid as hell
"They told me the world was gonna roll me... They said I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed..."
I love this comic.
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Didn' understood
Beverly is cool, Tara is cute and the black haired slut is stupid and hateable. 10/10
its literally not porn
This BS ain't porn.
then leave? is your screen broken or something?
Either get eatin' or find thee nearst can of trash ('One of the greats" would be perfect") to rot in.
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