First off Fluttershy never got to use her android the she prob paid a lot for, twilight changed its looks and never returned it, it never returned home like it was supposed to just came by the next morning, and even went as far to have its first time with rainbow dash instead of her master fluttershy which is a betrayal on it's own
I just don't see where the author wanted this to go but this just really sucked
this is no android, for it would imply in the strictest a humanoid male shape, with gynoid being humanoid female, and anything else not mattering, while in the loosest meaning, android would imply just humanoid in the first place
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This kinda sucked
First off Fluttershy never got to use her android the she prob paid a lot for, twilight changed its looks and never returned it, it never returned home like it was supposed to just came by the next morning, and even went as far to have its first time with rainbow dash instead of her master fluttershy which is a betrayal on it's own
I just don't see where the author wanted this to go but this just really sucked
It was especially unfair for fluttershy
can someone give me a bottle of holy water, and a gallon of bleach for my eyes??
To clarify I only read this for the plot and I want to see more please
I LOVE this, I need MORE!
shot me
the author is a scammer
this is no android, for it would imply in the strictest a humanoid male shape, with gynoid being humanoid female, and anything else not mattering, while in the loosest meaning, android would imply just humanoid in the first place
however, this is a fucking animal
So you're saying it should be a Hippoid? or perhaps, taking from Khoine Greek, Algoid?
I can't bear this shit
You guys wanna hear a new song I wrote
I can't read this
Why did I read this
Asking myself the same thing and i think its just cause i felt like it.
to be honest same
cool profile picture dude.
Literally just an extended mlp version of Roumgu's "DOLL" comic.
Oh boy
Just listen to Record Heat's newest song, Rainy Day Fun because the lyrics are fucking awesome.
Oh, nice, I'm going to listen to it later.
i jut realized the pegasus rider ordement has a mini horse skill on it i dont know how to feel about that
bruh they copied this plot from another porn comic
Wasnt it from that one comic were the mom bought her son a sex robot and the directions said not to have sex with it for like a week or 2
nice to see you too