Untrue. In Zelda's Diary in her study in Hyrule Castle she says that Link talks to her but in short sentences and very rarely. He talks just not very often.
He actually suffered from selective mutism until he lost his memories (you can say that link is indeed talking to strangers in botw albeit not having a voice actor saying words other than "HA" "HYAAAAH" and such)
Well, BOTW Link is said to have changed after coming back from the Shrine of Resurrection, making him more expressive after losing his memories of becoming the wielder of the Master Sword, which led to him becoming much more silent and stoic, so he would not overwhelm others with his own feelings. And I believe he DID talk before gaining the Master Sword: it's just that the stress of being the wielder of it caused him to not show as much outward emotion he used to.
I think Urbosa's more of a motherly figure to Zelda, seeing as Zelda's own mother died when she was quite young and Urbosa became the replacement, seeing as she was friends with Zelda's original mother. Plus, there are some theories and a tiny sprinkle of (maybe) evidence that Urbosa was trying to get Zelda and Link together. Or at least on speaking terms, seeing as to Zelda, it seemed like Link was handed everything without any difficulty.
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Do I have to break it to him? I don't wanna be the one to break it to him.
Untrue. In Zelda's Diary in her study in Hyrule Castle she says that Link talks to her but in short sentences and very rarely. He talks just not very often.
He actually suffered from selective mutism until he lost his memories (you can say that link is indeed talking to strangers in botw albeit not having a voice actor saying words other than "HA" "HYAAAAH" and such)
Well, BOTW Link is said to have changed after coming back from the Shrine of Resurrection, making him more expressive after losing his memories of becoming the wielder of the Master Sword, which led to him becoming much more silent and stoic, so he would not overwhelm others with his own feelings. And I believe he DID talk before gaining the Master Sword: it's just that the stress of being the wielder of it caused him to not show as much outward emotion he used to.
I'm a sucker for BOTW porn
Indeed, Mr.Dead Man
Oh hey there fellow president
God damnit. I knew he was a time traveler.
i hate it when people call Link "Zelda".
You call Zelda "Link"?
other way around
I like Link better when he's the one getting fucked.
i hate it when people call Link "Zelda".
He spoke..........................................
Why the fuck is link talking
Its Canon that in botw, link can talk, but doesn't
Why not. Link doesn't just scream in every conversation
Just imagine your talkin to this dude and he busts out screamin in the middle of a conversation
Are we not going to talk about how zelda's shirt vanished into the shadow realm?
Omg I just noticed!
He spoke
We need a sequel with Urbosa!!!
How WAS urobosa not invited
I think Urbosa's more of a motherly figure to Zelda, seeing as Zelda's own mother died when she was quite young and Urbosa became the replacement, seeing as she was friends with Zelda's original mother. Plus, there are some theories and a tiny sprinkle of (maybe) evidence that Urbosa was trying to get Zelda and Link together. Or at least on speaking terms, seeing as to Zelda, it seemed like Link was handed everything without any difficulty.
I thought that part was funny
angry urbose
That last panel though