To be fair, many animals fuck corpses when they're aroused, so it's not just us. We're just the bigger, more prevalent and cruel part of the animal kingdom.
Insane how media shows dolphins as cute and smart when in reality they are evil bastards to are almost as bad as humans The worst part is they are smart meaning they now exactly what they are doing
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I'm gonna DM Drake and see what he as to say about this
Pov you are EDP
this shit suuuuuuucks
WTF have i stumbled upon
hahaha hellno! into dream smp you go!
Fuck you fuck ya dog fuck ya art fuck ya comic I'm off and away to kill my self goodbye and see you tomorrow
This was so bad that it killed me.
This is gonna be a NO for me chief.
i am scared, i wanna cry
Y'all are probably on the Epstein list
Why is this a thing? That's all I can ask, why is this a thing?
send in the drone strikes
I can't see how a actual human being (presumably) looked at the peanuts and thought, " I wish they were fucking."
To be fair, many animals fuck corpses when they're aroused, so it's not just us. We're just the bigger, more prevalent and cruel part of the animal kingdom.
Fun fact: Dolphins are r*pists.
Insane how media shows dolphins as cute and smart when in reality they are evil bastards to are almost as bad as humans The worst part is they are smart meaning they now exactly what they are doing
Ducks and some species of otters are too
Time to vent my disgust on some younglings
Epstein : "My death was... greatly exaggerated."
steamboat willie mikey mouse is now public domain
He has alot to say to some of yall...
well i wrote this song for the christan youth
I hath't spotted nay a single sight of the peanuts they speaketh of.
I think they are taking about testicles.
Thee sayeth there art nay peanuts hither... At all? How most saddening.
wont this person be arrested and sentenced to jail?
Depends on where he is