A crazy story about how a chicks pokemon accidentally betrayed her, and the heart wrenching tale of how they rebuilt their friendship and overcome adversity together.
Bro literally forgot he was writing porn and started writing a soap opera that happens to have Pokemon in it.... ok that's not such a bad idea but not when I came here for porn
Hell no, what are you smoking? This is better than ANYTHING Nintendon't could pull out. Sure, it might be going a bit too deep for some (fakemon and such) but for the parts that stick to traditional knowledge and build upon it, this is great
I feel like bro forgets he's writing a porn comic for months on end and then is like, "oh shit, I gotta add a sex scene... ok back to walls of dialogue"
This is more story than porn. And let's be honest, this is giving WAY MORE LORE than Nintendon't will ever give us. Board the ships, we got canons to man!
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Bro literally forgot he was writing porn and started writing a soap opera that happens to have Pokemon in it.... ok that's not such a bad idea but not when I came here for porn
I want to have sex with gardevior
I want to fuck Smoochum
bro 271? and STILL ongoing is just wow
Ain't reading all that
How is this still going? How long has it been, two years?
since the last sex scene
What's the plot
The author honestly can't seem to decide
this comic always sucked. the art is bad. too much yappin. nah.
Hey look, more dialogue
Is this cringe now? Can we officially call this cringe?
Hell no, what are you smoking? This is better than ANYTHING Nintendon't could pull out. Sure, it might be going a bit too deep for some (fakemon and such) but for the parts that stick to traditional knowledge and build upon it, this is great
Calm down, ok?
Holy shit after the lopunny is just boring, bro WHERES THE GOOD STUFF MAN I "CAME" HERE TO NUT.
Where is the ending
ngôi sao pỏn
Jesus, the walls of text, I've read novels with less words per page
Yooo, we getting fakemon in here too? Keep this going and we're going to need a full rom hack of this world
the actual sex pokemon:
this isnt my free robux
I feel like bro forgets he's writing a porn comic for months on end and then is like, "oh shit, I gotta add a sex scene... ok back to walls of dialogue"
This comic looks like shit
Still no more of that mawile Or the lopunny... Damn guess gonna have to wait again
This is more story than porn. And let's be honest, this is giving WAY MORE LORE than Nintendon't will ever give us. Board the ships, we got canons to man!
I wanted to nut not cry