No, you're coming with me! Your my new travel friend! We're going to go kill together and look for new Soul Edge hosts together! It's going to be so much fun!
Then I'll be taking that fridge with me, you're joining me no matter what! This is going to be so much fun! A disembodied talking spy's head! Who could've ever imagined such a thing?
If you even so much as dare move my fridge a millimeter, you will learn why the RED team decided storing me as a disembodied head was their safest option.
Oohh he is really feisty, it's so cute! This is why you're perfect for me! We'll be the best of friends! I won't move your fridge, just the head that's inside of it! We're going to make new friends together, kill together and we'll be the two darkest, deadliest, happiest people alive!
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I don't care what you said, I wasn't asking.
And I am not, nor am I willing to be, a necklace.
You have no body, there's nothing stopping me from putting you around my neck right now. You'll be my new corrupted travel buddy!
I have a body, I just dont have it with me at all times.
And I'd rather not be.
Oh do tell where it is! I'd love a good weapon on standby!
Its in hell, good luck!
I'd love a great trip to hell! And you'd be the one to take me!
Oh no no no, thats not how that works missy, if you feel so inclined to acquire my body, go and get it yourself.
No, you're coming with me! Your my new travel friend! We're going to go kill together and look for new Soul Edge hosts together! It's going to be so much fun!
Im not going anywhere, I finally got a seaside view in my fridge.
Then I'll be taking that fridge with me, you're joining me no matter what! This is going to be so much fun! A disembodied talking spy's head! Who could've ever imagined such a thing?
If you even so much as dare move my fridge a millimeter, you will learn why the RED team decided storing me as a disembodied head was their safest option.
Oohh he is really feisty, it's so cute! This is why you're perfect for me! We'll be the best of friends! I won't move your fridge, just the head that's inside of it! We're going to make new friends together, kill together and we'll be the two darkest, deadliest, happiest people alive!
Once again, while I appreciate that you consider me cute, Im not going anywhere with you.
Tell me why not then!
As I said, I'm well aquainted with a band of demons that I can go to if I want some fun, and my fridge is in a nice spot.
If you'd ask me, Im living the life.
Then you'll be living even more of the life if you join me as I get acquainted with this universe!
Why would I be living the life when Im leaving all the things I like behind?
And you can do that on your own.
But we're going to be the best of friends! You can even invite these demons of yours to if you want!
Im not going to be best friends with you, and they dont take kindly Jesters.
Aww you don't like it? That saddens me
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i think they re uploaded this